2024/25 season schedule is up! Check it out under the 2024/25 Comp/Training Schedule heading!
Lethbridge Competitive Climbing is a program dedicated to providing accessible competitive climbing to the Lethbridge area. We run up to 4 teams of 8-12 athletes all at various skill and commitment levels, with age-range being roughly 8-19. We train from September to May out of Coulee Climbing Indoor Bouldering & Fitness, and the University of Lethbridge's Ascent Climbing Center. Click the logos below to be taken to their websites.
The Program

What is Competitive Climbing?

There are three competitive climbing disciplines run and sanctioned by the Alberta Climbing Association (ACA), our provincial sports organization, and Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC), the national sports organization. They are speed, difficulty (often referred to as lead, sport or ropes) and bouldering. LCC has its athletes compete and train all three. The ACA runs and sanctions a variety of competitions throughout the year in various Alberta locations as well as Saskatoon, SK and Cranbrook, BC. To compete, an athlete must be registered with the ACA at AlbertaClimbing.org and register for each individual competition as they become available. If an athlete qualifies regionally and/or nationally, they will also be required to register with the CEC at ClimbingCanada.ca
This discipline tests an athlete's maximum strength on a selection of short rope-less climbs. Click here to see how boulder competitions are scored and what the different formats looks like.
This discipline tests and athlete's endurance on 1-2 long, roped climbs. Youth C and D compete on top rope systems while Youth B and older competes in lead climbing. Click here to see how difficulty competitions are formatted and scored.
Usually viewed as a separate category of sport from difficulty and bouldering, this discipline tests an athlete's climbing speed on a specific route certified by the IFSC. Click here for more information on speed competitions.

Sounds Good. How do I sign up?
We select our teams based on our tryouts event each year. LCC takes a maximum 34 athletes each year based on current skill level, attitude towards, and commitment to the sport. If your athlete has successfully tried out and made the team you will have received an e-mail or phone call announcing this. Team training schedules and competition schedules are posted under the 2024/25 comp/training schedule heading.
What's Included?
As an LCC athlete, your fees go towards a variety of things...
1. Season-long membership at Coulee Climbing
2. Season-long membership at Ascent Climbing Center
3. Coaching fees for the season (competitions inclusive)
4. Coaches travel expenses (regionals/nationals inclusive)
They do not include...
1. ACA/CEC membership fees
2. Uniform fees
3. Competition registration fees
For the 2024/25 season, LCC fees are...
1. Sport (intro) team - 1800$ for the season or 180$/month
2. Competitive team - 2000$ for the season or 200$/month
3. Elite team - 2280$ for the season or 228$/month